Translation Services‐DeepL Translator(*This is a machine translation and may contain mistranslations.)
This is Gongo from the Mighty Mushroom series, a collaboration between Tractor Ink and illustrator and homebrew sticker artist Shamrock Arrow, which I happened to acquire at a recent event.
This soft vinyl figure is probably dropped into a 3.75" blister pack figure format, and has the scent of cheap American toys, in a good way.
Approximately 10 cm in height, 5-part construction, molded yellow-green color.
ヘッダーデザインもシャムロックアローさんが担当されているのかな? もしかするとインサイドパークシリーズも?
Is Shamrock Arrow in charge of the header design as well? Perhaps even the Inside Park series?
君、ちょっと写真(イラスト)とちょっと違わない? という所がまた良い!!
3.75インチのブリスターパックフィギュアも、同じブリスターケースに収めるために、モチーフ元となったキャラとボリュームが改変されることがあり、そういう「あるある」 が遊び心として表現されているように感じました。
You look a little different from the picture (illustration), don't you? That's another good point!
The illustration has a fine physique like the Hulk, but the soft vinyl figure is hulking and has a mottled skin. The name Gongo seems to be another name for a shell called Warty Warty, so I wonder if that makes sense?
The 3.75" blister-pack figure is also sometimes altered in volume from the original motif character to fit in the same blister case, and I felt that such "a thing" was expressed as a sense of playfulness.
The bulked up upper body and arms are strong. The chains shown in the illustration are not included, so you will need to provide your own.
The tightly color-coded paint job feels like it was handled with masking tape one by one, rather than a metal mask. The enthusiasm and time and effort put into this small soft vinyl figure that fits comfortably in the palm of one's hand can be felt very clearly.
I first thought the haircut was a missionary cut, but since the plates are exposed, it's a ...... kappa!
The American comic style white eyes are cool.
Even the teeth and the cavity of the open mouth are color-coded.
A trinket with a skull on the chest.
Stunning inverted triangular back.
Large, well-developed arms. In particular, the bulge of the triceps is exquisite. It is not the result of training, but the result of Gongo's fighting style. I wonder if it is used for the chain-drawing motion.
毛皮のパンツに素足? ……いや指が出てないので同色のブーツかな?
Bare feet in fur pants? ...... No, no fingers showing, so maybe boots of the same color?
There is no imprint on the sole, and it has a crackly feel to it (laughs).
A small but wonderful piece with a lot of coveted attention to detail. I was able to get it by chance and it was a memorable experience.
A view of the exhibit. They were very kind to allow us to take their photos. Thank you very much.