
蒐集/レビュー/散財。アートトイ,ThreeA,ソフビ,民藝。ウルトラライトハイキング。Giant MR4r。Apple,Mac,iPhone。

ゴッコ堂 / GOCCOMANIA 2023 in KYOTOでゲットしたソフビ紹介!〈+Eng sub〉

Translation Services‐DeepL Translator(*This is a machine translation and may contain mistranslations.)


当日は作家御本人に残念そうな顔してたかなぁ……多少は表に出てたと思いますが、くじ運は誰のせいでもないものだし、自分的にはおっしゃ、次回こそ手に入れるぞ! すごいイベントの開催ありがとうございます! という気持ちでございます。

Here are the soft vinyls I got at Gokkomania 2023 held at Hotel Clam Chowder in Kyoto until the 24th. I won the lottery on the morning of the 17th, but I was in the last group. I was not able to purchase the new Twin Ki Dora, which I had hoped for.

I wonder if I looked disappointed to the artist himself on the day of the event. ...... I think it showed a little, but luck is nobody's fault, and for me, I'll get it next time! Thank you for organizing such a great event! Thank you for organizing such a great event!




The top image shows the total length of the Unkokotsu I got this time, three of the three gachas were Unkokotsu-related, so I took a picture of the Unkokotsu I had on hand together.All of them are memorable, including the Unkokotsu I obtained at a previous Gokkomania (some were given to me by collectors after the gacha ran out so quickly), and the Kitan Club gacha that was already a discon item and was exchanged through social networking sites.



言わずもがな、ウンコツとはウンコとガイコツが組み合わさったロックでパンクなキャラクターです(たぶん)。時々ゲシュタルト崩壊して、こいつ一体何者? ってなります。


First of all, we have President Unkotsu.

As I don't have to tell you, Unkotsu is a rock and punk character that is a combination of a poop and a geiko (probably). Sometimes I have gestalt collapses and think, "Who the hell is this guy? (I guess.)

Standing 9 cm tall, the figure consists of two parts, and the head is a special piece with vapor deposition plating.





It will give you a lot of experience when you defeat him.

When image AI technology advances, a dirty little uncle and an incredibly dirty room will become apparent.




The body is a cool soda color.

The white scarf and gloves are fashionable.





There is embroidery on the back.

I believe they will evolve in the order of Banchou, soucho, and Yaro.

I don't have a Banchou body, so I want to get the next one!







Next is the body of the Unkotsu and Unmen dog, which was obtained in three gachas.

It was possible to turn the head twice and the body once. The gacha cabinet was out of order, as is typical at events, and I had to pull it manually with a blindfold. There are two types of bodies, standing and sitting, and the winners are painted.

I wanted to get a sitting type body because I had already gotten a standing type body, even if it was not painted, from KTOKTO's collaboration with Wolf Dog in Fukuoka last time, but again, I showed my weak pull.


奇譚クラブ版のウンメン犬と。10年くらい前? のガチャなのですが、めちゃくちゃクオリティ高いです。



Kitan Club's version of Unmen Dog and. about 10 years ago? I hope Gokkodo will continue this gacha as an introduction to new fans and as a souvenir soft vinyl.

I hope that gacha, where you can get a Gokkodo work for one coin, will continue as an introduction for new fans and as a souvenir soft vinyl. I want to get the body and .......


GOCCOMANIA 2023 in KYOTOは今週末まで開催されており、コラボグッズの販売やコレクションのディスプレイに使えるペグボードの受注、ソフビの抽選会も開催されています。



GOCCOMANIA 2023 in KYOTO runs until the end of this week and includes sales of collaboration goods, orders for pegboards for displaying collections, and a drawing for soft vinyl.

In addition, the exhibition of prototypes and secret archive pieces is a highlight of the show!

Craft Mustard Marmalade & Cardamom, so good! I was chomping on it when my dad found me and ate it up. ......