Translation Services‐DeepL Translator
10月に抽選販売されたTRACTOR inc.さんのインサイドパークシリーズより、スラッガーです。
This is the Slugger from TRACTOR inc.'s Inside Park series, which was sold by lottery in October.
It has the same size, the same pose, and the same silhouette as the first Bad Pop, but it's a completely different ...... This kind of thing doubles the desire for ...... collection.
The last Bad Pop was a devilish goat-like Sahagin-like character, but this time Slugger is a monkey-like character whose body parts have been peeled off. Is Inside Park like a national park, an environment where monsters and other creatures are protected in their natural state?
Height 11cm, 6 parts, molded in soft molded skin color for the head and black for the torso.
The package.
It says " for soft vinyl nerd".
A slugger is one who hits hard. Is that what the header represents?
It's printed on the bag. It's cool.
And there it is~ !!!!
身体は剛毛に覆われた猿? ゴリラ? の肉体ですが、手足と頭部は痛々しくも骨が見えてしまっています。何かを強打(slug)した結果?
The body is covered with bristly hair. Gorilla? The body is that of an ape or gorilla, covered in bristly hair, but the limbs and head are painfully bony. Is this the result of slugging something?
The bristly hair covering the whole thing. It's going to be a pain in the ass to sculpt this.
The Inside Park series has a very nice size. The limbs move, and the play value is good. They're great to take outside!
The face. A monkey skull is a new thing in soft vinyl.
The eyeballs are popping out, and it looks painful, yet somehow funny.
Compared to humans, the shape of the skull is more like a rhombus, but it seems to be because the jaw muscles are completely different. I heard that monkeys have a very strong bite.
Since it is soft-molded, it crushes when you grip it, making it look even more interesting.
Large suture marks on my chest. It's still healing. If you get out of control, the wound will open up!
The rings on the ankles are a common detail with Bad Pop. What does this mean?
Side by side with Bad Hop.
Even if you don't know that they are part of a series, if you put them together, you can immediately see that they already have something in common. In other words, you'll want to collect them.