Translation Services‐DeepL Translator
スカルトイズさんより2月に抽選販売されたクケリのソフビです。スカルトイズさんと言えば、屋号に冠するとおり、骸骨をモチーフにした作品を多く発表されていましたが、今回は顔のないけむくじゃらの怪物……? と知識不足の僕は当初はピンと来なかったのですが、クケリが何なのか知ってビックリ! クケリというのは、ブルガリアにて冬の祭りで、あまりに古くから行われているため、その起源を遡るのは不可能とまで言われ、面白い見た目から奇祭と称されています。
This is the soft vinyl of Kukeri that was sold by lottery in February from Skartoys. Speaking of Mr. Skartoise, as the name implies, he has presented many works based on skeletons, but this time, a faceless, shaggy monster...? At first, I didn't know what kukeri was, but I was surprised to find out what it was! Kukeri is a winter festival in Bulgaria that is so old that it is impossible to trace its origins back to any time.
参照‐ブルガリア、冬の奇祭「クケリ」 写真14点 | ナショナルジオグラフィック日本版サイト
The style of this ritual differs from region to region, but the basic idea is that a group of strange-looking people in woolen costumes and masks parade through the village, ringing bells, praying for a good harvest and celebrating the coming of age of boys. It has something in common that it's a snowy country, so it reminds me of a bedbug.
I think the motif of a soft vinyl is the part where your sense is tested. I was numbed by the unexpected and challenging choice of motifs.
Total height approximately 23 cm, 6 parts composition. Double molded in luminescence and black.
First of all, unopened condition. The header design is simple yet tasteful, reminiscent of Scandinavian textiles, perhaps because of the Kukeri motif.
On the header is a picture of a cow that is cattle mutilated by a cat's gaze. It's enigmatic and very unique.
アブダクションというシリーズ名? のようですね。
A series called Abduction? seems to be the case.
It came enclosed with a sticker with a message.
Lately, I've been negligently ripping the butt of the bag when I open it..... When I try to remove the header cleanly, I'm clumsy and want to open it quickly, so I have to damage it with a cutter or something like that, and it hurts when the stapler gets stuck between my nails...
This is a detailed description of the main unit.
There are no painted areas, but the double molding creates a deep shade like a wipe-off paint job.
When I say double molding, I thought that the first layer was clear or standard, but I thought there was such a way. What is strange is that the first layer of eyes are not of uniform thickness.
It is a guess, but the first layer that was burned is in a state of half-boiled mud, so it accumulates in the molded part of the hair part, and the other part flows down. I believe that this may result in an uneven thickness.
I was surprised at the size of it.
I thought it would be about the size of a dock and roll.
It also has a width.
Based on the way the hair flows on both arms, I'm guessing that the default is to keep the arms out in front. I think they are putting movement and intention into the work by modeling it. A kukeri is a person dressed up in a woolen costume. On the other hand, the soft vinyl is a hollow structure with no contents. I think it's a good motif that makes us imagine the empty part of our lives.
It moves me in a comical way.
The first layer is luminescent, so it will glow in the dark.
It's a good molding that's fantastic, faceless, and creepy, with a sense of eeriness that comes through in spite of the fact that it's dressed up as a person and has no substance.
The Kukeri comes in a variety of looks, so we'd like to see variations such as different heads.