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誰もが幼い頃、見たこと・読んだことがあるであろう、有名な虫の絵本がモチーフです。 この虫は、何を食べて、さなぎになって、美しい蝶々へと変身していくのでしょうか……。
This is the third season of Hungry Space Vermin-chan by Towa Toys, which was sold by lottery at the end of March.
The motif is based on a famous picture book about insects that everyone has probably seen or read about as a child. What will this insect eat, become a chrysalis, and transform into a beautiful butterfly? ......
The figure is approximately 8 cm tall, in one part, and molded in yellow.
元ネタが元ネタだけに、とても尖った表現に感じます。素晴らしい題材選びと思いました。ロックンロールです。「良識ある人間」 に下手に見つかると、非難されそうです。
The header is drawn using the collage technique. This is also reminiscent of the original picture book.
In the original storybook, a tiny insect born on Sunday grows up to become a beautiful butterfly, and in the process of eating various things, the viewer can enjoy and learn about picture book devices and counting.
On the other hand, Hungry Space Vermin-chan by Towa Toys is somewhat disturbing.
Vermin-chan seems to be attacking humans.
I feel that this is a very sharp expression only because of the original subject matter. I thought it was a great choice of subject matter. It's rock and roll. If a "sensible person" finds out about it, he or she is going to be chastised.
I thought it was a very rare form that combines loveliness and creepiness.
The loveliness of the original picture book and the pop colors are very cute, but the fact that it is a giant caterpillar that preys on humans and the small details are eerie.
It's cute, but it's also somewhat crazy, as if it doesn't seem to understand ...... the language.
The most frightening part is the torso.
Face, face, face.
Even the expressions of suffering and agony are in relief.
The lower part of the body has turned into a white bone, as if it has been digested.
Now, again, there was no note-worthy information about the piece, so I will give my own interpretation.
As I unpack the name, I suppose that Hungry Space means empty stomach.
Interestingly, sofubi is also a hollow structure.
When the larva metamorphoses into a pupa and then into a butterfly, the parts of the larva that were there before, such as the head, legs, and body, dissolve into sludge and turn into soup.
Soft vinyl is also made by baking and molding sol, which was originally a sludge.
In this way, I thought that the motif of larvae has a high affinity with soft vinyl.
— スモッグ (@smoglog) April 4, 2024
中国の有名な話で、夢の中で自分は蝶だったが、自分が起きたとき、人間である自分は、蝶の自分が見ている夢なのではないか? というものがありますが、襲われる人間と襲うバーミンちゃんも、逆転して考えると、また一層深い考察ができそうです。
Vermin also means pest or vermin, but it is also used as a derogatory term for people. A pest of society, for example.
You could simply think of Vermin-chan as a horrible pest that attacks humans, but I recently saw an interesting post on a social networking site.
When a researcher posted that a valuable insect had been found on the Linear Shinkansen line during construction and that it was very valuable and should be handled properly, there were heartless replies such as "It is an unavoidable sacrifice for the development of civilization" and "No one cares about such an insect. I was told that the researchers are very valuable and should be dealt with properly.
That reminded me of the novel (and movie) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
In this story, a galactic highway is going to be built in orbit around the Earth's planet, and because it's a done deal, the entire planet is destroyed, including the people of Earth.
It's just like "it's an unavoidable sacrifice for the development of civilization" or "nobody cares about such insects (primitive creatures = human beings)".
There is a famous Chinese story that says, "In a dream, I was a butterfly, but when I woke up, I was a human being, and I thought I was dreaming about my butterfly self. The story of the human who is attacked and the Vermin who attacks him or her can be considered in a deeper way.
It is often the case today that the oppressed become the oppressor because of a paradigm shift, but it made me think about the importance of putting oneself in the other person's shoes.