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ぶたのはな / ゴジラ’67[茶色成形]〈+Eng sub〉

Translation Services‐DeepL Translator


1967年に公開されたゴジラ映画は、シリーズ8作目となる『怪獣島の決戦 ゴジラの息子』で、ミニラが登場した作品となります。当時、第一次怪獣ブームが巻き起こっており、若年観客層を意識してゴジラの子供を登場させた経緯があるそうです。これを受けて、ゴジラの性別問題を起こしたり(個人的にはどっちでも良いと思いますが。あのパワーは母の強さかもしれないし、単為生殖しているのかもしれない。時代が時代なんで、男尊女卑的な思考があったのかも)、親子の愛情を描いたゆえに、ゴジラの怪獣としての凄みが失われてしまったとする感想もあったそうです。


参照-怪獣島の決戦 ゴジラの息子 - Wikipedia



Godzilla '67 was sold by lottery in April by Buta no Hana.

The Godzilla movie released in 1967 was the eighth in the series, "The Decisive Battle of Monster Island: Godzilla's Son," in which Minilla made an appearance. At the time, the first monster boom was taking place, and the history of Godzilla's child was introduced with the younger viewer demographic in mind. In response to this, they created the issue of Godzilla's gender (personally, I think it doesn't matter either way, but...). Some people thought that Godzilla's greatness as a monster was lost because of the portrayal of the love between parent and child.

Although this film was in the midst of a boom period, the number of viewers fell below that of the previous film, and it was decided that the Godzilla series would end with the next film (actually, the production of a completely new film was suspended, and a re-edited version was shown as a revival).

Reference - Decisive Battle of Monster Island: Godzilla's Son - Wikipedia

Perhaps because of the parent-child theme, Godzilla's face on the theater poster is somewhat charming, with a long face, large eyes, and a low nose, just like a pig's. I am interested to see how people at that time would have felt about this figure.

The figure is approximately 12 cm in height, 6 parts, and molded in brown color.


This is the usual package. You can see Minilla on the back of the package.



The long face, large eyes, and low nose are certainly apparent. The somewhat fanny facial features match with Buta-no-Hana's style.



It has a short tail and a beautiful posture, as if it has a human inside (meta remark).




It's so cute (laughs).

At this size, the head and limbs are operable, making it fun to play with.




Close-up of the head.

The eyes appear as if the eyelids are sculpted.




Torso. You can see some texture as if some mold was pressed on it.

A personal highlight is that the metal blue spray paint on the thighs does not fly on the fuselage. This means that it was painted before assembly. I guess it depends on the case, but I am sure it would be easier to paint it as assembled. This means that there is a clear intention to color-code.



Modeling of the dorsal fin. The coloring is beautifully done here as well.



With Godzilla on hand.



Buta no Hana's April lottery sale, to be continued next time!