
蒐集/レビュー/散財。アートトイ,ThreeA,ソフビ,民藝。ウルトラライトハイキング。Giant MR4r。Apple,Mac,iPhone。

ゴッコ堂 / チッチ〈+Eng sub〉

Translation Services‐DeepL Translator




This is a chichi by Gokkodo that I acquired on my first visit to the Manrandare Cocoo store.

It has not been released for a long time and is probably out of print. When I started collecting soft vinyl, it was already available only through secondary distribution, and the number of balls was so small that it was hard to afford. When I found it in the showcase this time, I looked twice and thrice. I was able to get it at a lower price than the average secondary distribution price because it had a small scratch on the back of the head. Since this is a very old work, there are concerns about stickiness if it is unopened, and after checking the condition of the scratch, it was at a totally acceptable level, so I was able to get it at a good price.

The figure is approximately 13 cm tall, consists of 5 parts, and is molded in yellow.


It has a beautiful shape and paint job that looks exactly like Gokkodo's illustration.



The motif is an explosion of Gokkodo's sense of style: a naked man in a balaclava hat sitting on a toilet bowl.




The eyelet is tie-dye-like and dreamy.

If you hide your face, you can be invincible!


傷の状態はこんな感じ。傷というより、別の塗料がついている感じ? 慎重に掃除すれば復元できるかもしれませんが、個人的にはこのままで良いかな。正面には問題ないですし。

The condition of the scratches looks like this. It looks more like another coat of paint than a scratch? It might be possible to restore it with careful cleaning, but personally, I'm fine with it as is. There is no problem on the front.


デコポンデベソ。最近はデベソの人っていないそうですね。お医者さんの技術が上がったのかな。身体的特徴をからかう意図はもちろんないのですが、こういうモチーフを使うと、侮辱する意図もないのに(ドラゴンボールのピッコロを四本指から五本指に改変するとか)時々「その表現に悲しむ人がいるからやめろ」 と忠告してくる人がいます。自分が思うに、他人を慮るように見かけて自分が見たくないだけなんじゃねぇの、と思う訳です。実際存在するのに、存在しないかのように隠すことが、その表現に悲しむ人が悲しまなくなることになるのだろうか? ゲームのエルデンリングで糞食いというキャラクターが、生きとし生けるもの全体が呪われれば、それは呪いではなくなり祝福となるって言うんですけど、腫れ物扱いが隔絶を生む側面もあると思うのです。

自分はアトピー性皮膚炎なんですけど、なんでTVドラマのヒーローやヒロインは、会話中に皮膚をバリバリ搔かないんでしょう。端役でもそういうヤツいないよなぁ、要するにアトピー性皮膚炎患者は、俳優業から締め出しを食らっている! ……なんてケチつければどこまででも言えるんですけど、そういう一端が今の超過激なポリコレ旋風のアレやコレやなので、こういうのを白黒つけるようになるには、人類が進化してニュータイプ化を迎えるしかなさそうです。


Dekopon Debeso. I hear there are no one with Deveso these days. I wonder if doctors have improved their techniques. Of course, there is no intention to make fun of physical characteristics, but when I use this kind of motif, some people sometimes advise me not to use it because there are people who are saddened by the expression. I think that they just don't want to look at it as if they are thinking of other people. Does hiding something as if it doesn't exist when it does exist make those who are saddened by the expression less sad? In the game "The Elden Ring," the character called "curse Eater" says that if all living things are cursed, it will cease to be a curse and become a blessing.

I have atopic dermatitis, and I wonder why heroes and heroines in TV dramas do not scratch their skin during conversations. I don't see anyone like that even in minor roles. In short, atopic dermatitis sufferers are being barred from the acting profession! You can go as far as you want with ......, but that's part of the current ultra-radical poly-college whirlwind, and the only way we'll be able to put a black-and-white spin on it is if humanity evolves into a new type.

...... has gone way off-topic.





Kolnasign. It has a lovely fingertip shape.

In Italian, it means a hand gesture of horns, and its roots can be traced back to ancient Greece.

It has various meanings in different regions and times, and is used as an insult, a talisman to ward off bad luck and evil eye, a sign of devil worship, or a symbol of approval and joy in rock 'n' roll and heavy metal.



Peach butt. Hide your head and don't hide your butt.



Engraving on the back of the toilet bowl.




With unknots.

Divided by head, body and toilet bowl. It is freshly seated.



In this case, except for this photo, the Pixel 6a's portrait mode was used. This mode may be better for object shots.