
蒐集/レビュー/散財。アートトイ,ThreeA,ソフビ,民藝。ウルトラライトハイキング。Giant MR4r。Apple,Mac,iPhone。

APOSTOYS / ヤゴラ&ヤブヘビ[スタンダードカラー]〈+Eng sub〉

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APOSTOYSさんは、「野生のソフビ」 をコンセプトに作品を発表されている作家さんで、グラフィックデザインなども手掛けられておられるそうです。




This is the first manufacturer to win the lottery.

This is the Yagora & Yabu Snake set by APOSTOYS, which was raffled off in June. I won a mug set with a limited number of pieces.

APOSTOYS is an artist who presents works based on the concept of "wild soft vinyl" and is also involved in graphic design.

His works give the impression of a newly modernized America, where the latest technology and folklore live and breathe at the same time. Although manufactured in Japan, there is a Western flavor to his work. I wonder if the name of the maker is a coined word of apostolos (apostle) + toy.

Yagora is approximately 18 cm tall, consists of 7 parts, and is molded in golden brown and yellow-green colors.

The snake is about 5 cm tall, in one part, and molded in yellowish-green color.


First of all, the packaging. This is a wonderful piece of work. I guess your profession as a graphic designer has something to do with it.


パッケージに描かれる小屋の絵を見て、ヘンリー・デイヴィッド・ソローが1854年に著作した『ウォールデン 森の生活』を連想せずにはいられません。




One cannot help but be reminded of Henry David Thoreau's 1854 book Walden: Life in the Woods when one sees the picture of the cabin on the package.

Considered one of the greatest works of American nonfiction literature, it is a memoir of the author's own self-sufficient life in a wilderness cabin. It contains not only descriptions of nature, lakes, and animals, but also references to a wide range of topics, including the human spirit, philosophy, labor, and society.

At the time, the United States was in the midst of modernization and at the height of mass consumption society. It was an attempt to find the answer to the contradiction between material wealth and a fraying spirit in the wilderness, where no human hands existed, and in a life of self-sufficiency for one person.

As an aside, I thought Thoreau must be a mentally strong man ......, alone in the wilderness, but in fact he was visited by fellow writers and friends incessantly, and surprisingly, his self-sufficient life was half a self-made performance, just demonstrating what he had imagined in his urban life. I was just demonstrating what I had fantasized about in my city life.



The soft vinyl is packed tightly in a vertical box. This packaging is also interesting.



The winning Yagora appears to be a monster that has taken up residence like a hermit crab in a log cabin. Only its head and torso are concealed, and its long legs protrude from the foundation.






Each of the four legs is molded as a separate part.

Four-legged soft vinyl figures tend to be shunned by collectors because of their large footprint (which is why there are so few of them in existence at the time, and they tend to be rare).

Yagora is a four-legged soft vinyl figure with special proportions that I have never seen before.

It has legs that are almost the same length as the torso part, and since it has no arms, it may have a smaller footprint than a normal two-legged soft vinyl figure.





The tail protrudes from the back.

Yagora's figure is perfectly hidden by the roof and walls of the log cabin.

And since the soft vinyl is hollow, there is no way to know what it looks like when it is disassembled and uncovered. I felt that this double structure of setting and materials made the yagora more mysterious and fascinating.



Is Yagora a monocular monster, or is his face so large that only one eye peeks out?



The details are remarkable, such as the stacked stone chimneys, the moss growing on the remaining water on the roof, and the representation of the wood and structure of the log cabin.



Is the doorknob made of brass? 



The foundation, with its four protruding legs, is properly sculpted masonry.





Neatly lined feet. A little wasabi-like.

Each of the legs is slender and tiny, but the four legs in a row give a good sense of placement. The body is a house, which is a very heavy object, so you can feel a strange floating sensation.

It reminded me of a piece of furniture called "Solaris" by the late Shiro Kuramata, a designer whom I personally admire and love.



The tail is the only part of this work that can change the posing significantly ...... if you think about it.


なんと屋根が回転! 一気にファンタジーの世界です。造形的に、湯口が丸より四角のほうが無理なく抜きやすいはずです。丸にしたのは、回転させて驚いてほしい、という想いがあるからではないでしょうか。

The roof rotates! It is a fantasy world at once. In terms of shape, it should be easier to pull out a square rather than a round spout. The reason why we chose to make it round is probably because we wanted it to rotate and surprise the viewer.



The engraving on the sole is also tasteful. One by one, different footprints.



Yabushebi is a combination of a skeleton and a snake that looks like a demon named Roa from Shin Megami Tensei.



It's as if it's intricately entangled in the skull hole, making it its home. ...... Oh, it's just like Yagora!


蛇が噛みついた跡があります。なんと頭蓋骨まで牙が達するとは……。この斑な緑も、毒に侵された結果なのでしょうか。もしかすると、この頭蓋骨は丸太小屋の持ち主? それともヤゴラを退治しにきたハンターの成れの果て?

There are marks where the snake bites. How could the fangs reach the skull? ...... Is this mottled green also the result of poisoning? Could this skull be the owner of the log cabin? Or is it the result of a hunter who came to exterminate the yagora?









Finally, there are mugs.

This one is apparently made of enamel.

These days, the Sierra cup has become a camping icon, but in the past, enamel mugs held that status.

Enamel is a glass glaze baked onto ironware, a venerable process that has been used since BC. It is extremely durable, as evidenced by its use in Tutankhamun's mask, and is hygienic, resistant to odor transfer, and can be placed over an open flame (though of course it will soot). Because it is made of metal, it is not microwave-safe.

I'm also a camping hobbyist, so I've always wanted one of these enamel mugs!

I think it's a waste of money since there are probably very few of these items available, but I'm going to use it over a campfire and give it a good use.

The pure white mugs will be sooty and wild!