Translation Services‐DeepL Translator
ガム太郎さんのムゲンちゃんの第一期です。ひと目見て欲しい! って思いました。ミ◯オンズをパロったようなキャッチーなキャラクター造形に、群体がみせる気持ち悪さが同居した、とても面白い作品です。
This is the first season of Mugen-chan by Gamutaro. I want one look at you! I thought to myself. It's a very interesting work, with catchy character designs that seem to parody the Mini*ns, and the disgusting look of the group.
4 parts, approx. 11 cm in height, molded in orange. I heard that this color is sold only at events and there are not many of them. I'm glad I bought it.
ムゲンちゃんは、宇宙の最果てにある無限花畑に住んでいて、花が咲いているところには瞬間移動をすることができる能力を持ちます。ヘッダーのイラストが無限花畑ですかね? 右側は牧歌的雰囲気なのに、左の不気味な感じが興味をソソります。
Header card design.
Mugen-chan lives in an infinite field of flowers in the farthest reaches of the universe, and has the ability to instantaneously move wherever the flowers are in bloom. The header illustration is an infinite field of flowers, isn't it? The right side has an idyllic atmosphere, while the left has an eerie feel that makes me curious.
I had mistakenly thought it was two parts, so I was surprised when my arms moved.
The whole body is covered with the ∞ symbol. There's a snake lumpy disgusting feeling to it, and this disgusting feeling is a good accent. In my opinion, Mugen-chan is a group, and like Majin Buu in Dragon Ball, she'll come back from the dead, whether she cuts it or burns it!
ムゲンちゃんは、ぐんぐん増殖していって、最初はかわいいかわいいと保護するんですけど、たちまち人間の背丈を超え、ビルを超え、遂には宇宙規模の大きさに……! 唯一の弱点が後頭部に露出するコア……という僕の妄想。ミルクジャンキー的な。
Mugen-chan multiplies at a rapid pace, and at first we try to protect her by saying she's cute and cuddly, but soon she exceeds the height of a human, exceeds a building, and finally becomes the size of the universe...! My obsession with a core whose only weakness is exposed in the back of the head..... Milk junkie-ish.
藤崎竜短編集 2 DRAMATIC IRONY ドラマティックアイロニー (ジャンプコミックスDIGITAL)
- 作者: 藤崎竜
- 出版社/メーカー: 集英社
- 発売日: 2018/01/01
- メディア: Kindle版
- この商品を含むブログを見る
t has surprisingly sharp fangs.
The face is written as "8" and read as "Mugen"...the reverse pattern of Sekijiani∞. Green -> metallic paint -> sprayed with navy blue -> eyes and cheeks are peachy, and moreover, it is a mixture of brush painting and hand painting. The nails on the hands and feet are also carefully brush-painted in yellow.
The whole body is densely populated with infinity symbols.
Mugen hidden behind the tail. It has a protruding heel, so it has a great installation feel.
ガオ~ッ! 怪獣が好きで無限って概念が嫌いな奴いないでしょっ!
Gao~! Who likes monsters and doesn't like the concept of infinity?