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続・アサシンクリード最新作シャドウズ炎上をにわかが語る〈+Eng sub〉

Translation Services‐DeepL Translator(*This is a machine translation and may contain mistranslations.)

※トップ画像はアサシンクリードとは関係ないです。お誂え向きなフリー素材……The top image has nothing to do with Assassin's Creed.


Assassin's Creed Shadows has been under fire, and after my last article, as a gamer, I thought I would wait for the game to be released and wait for the reviews to come out, but the public is so heated and Ubi is dropping fuel with such frequency that it's good for my blog post PV, and if I don't talk about it, the Japanese I'll leave this as an article because it seems that people are saying that Japanese people are not angry and that those who are angry are fake Japanese people. I'll put the English version on my blog as well.

Spread the word to reach overseas if you like!



See previous reference for an overview.


ただ、アサクリ最新作に登場する弥助は、史実とは異なる描き方が多いようです。そもそも、弥助に関する史実が少なく、創作しやすいキャラクターでした。UBIは当初は弥助に関して、「日本人全員に尊敬された伝説の侍であった」 ことを史実としていました。その後、IGNのインタビューにて「歴史上の空白を自分たちの創作で埋めた」 ということを認めています。


My stance is that the adoption of the character Yasuke is interesting and I feel it could be a good one depending on the scenario.

However, Yasuke in the latest Assassin's Creed is often portrayed differently from historical facts. To begin with, there are few historical facts about Yasuke, and he was a character that was easy to create. Ubi initially stated that Yasuke was "a legendary samurai who was respected by all Japanese" as a historical fact, but later admitted in an interview with IGN that they "filled in the historical blanks with our own creation. On the other hand, the Japanese historians and staffs have been very skeptical of the historical facts. On the other hand, he also stated that the historical notarization by Japanese historians and Japanese staff was done properly, which is not the case if a proper historical notary is involved.







Why is it that the main character has followed a fictional character from the local stage, but only this time a character named Yasuke, who appears in historical fact, was adopted?

The "our samurai" comment in the Famitsu interview, which was later deleted, seems to me to be an unconscious racism against Asians. It is a statement that could be taken to mean that we have no emotional attachment to Japanese samurai.

Later, in the interview article for Italy, the reason was also raised that Japanese Samurai are small and not good looking. Now they are discriminating on the basis of appearance.

If you look into the history, you will find that there were Japanese samurai over 6 feet tall at that time. You cannot say that there were no great samurai in Japan at that time except Yasuke.

I feel that the production system that misrepresents Japanese history and mixes up the historical statements with the backlash against the inclusion of a black protagonist has magnified the current uproar.




本来、差別や偏見のない世界って素晴らしいね! という物語を描く場合、差別される状況を描き、その状態が苦しいことを共感させ、解決に導くという流れを描きます。

今回の弥助の場合、日本では黒人は珍しいのですから、化け物と思われて逃げられたり、攻撃を受けたりすることもあるでしょうし、外国から来た人間なのですから、織田家の侍たちからの嫉妬などもあるでしょう。そういう状況から自分の力で信用を勝ち取り、絆を固く結んでいくというのが良いストーリーではないでしょうか。実際のゲーム内では、2年足らずの日本滞在で、言語と文字を完璧に覚え、民からのお辞儀され、初対面でも「ここらへんの人じゃないなあ」 で済まされてしまうようですが……。


I cannot say that I do not have unconscious discrimination myself, but I agree with the idea of creating a society free of all discrimination and prejudice from a neutral standpoint with all hands raised.

However, why is it that works created by so-called "enlightened people" are so unattractive?

Essentially, a world without discrimination and prejudice would be wonderful! the story is to depict a situation in which people are discriminated against, make them sympathize with the suffering of the situation, and then lead them to a solution.

In the case of Yasuke, since blacks are rare in Japan, he may be thought of as a monster and run away or be attacked, and since he is from a foreign country, he may face jealousy from the samurai of the Oda family. A good story would be that they win trust and solidify their bond by their own strength from such situations. In the actual game, it seems that after less than two years in Japan, they learn the language and characters perfectly, are bowed by the people, and even when they meet for the first time, they are just told, "You're not from around here. ......

Thus, the frustration is that the criticized polycorrect works depict a world in which the problems are solved from the beginning, and the reality is that the problems to achieve such a world are so numerous that they are not portrayed as they should be. Many of the polycorrected works that received poor scenario evaluations have this problem, and it is the cause of what feels like a childish story.


必殺仕事人の中村主水のように、表の顔は日本語もままならない何も知らない愚者として扱われ、時に物珍しい観物扱いという不遇に見舞われますが、影では織田家家中の中を暗躍して、時代を動かしていきます。時には、あの有名武将に正体がバレて、協力関係になったり、裏切られたり。信長との間にも絆が生まれ、果たして使命通りに彼を暗殺すべきなのかどうか? 本能寺の変では、決断することになります。弥助の最後は、明智光秀に「弥助は何も知らない異国人なので無視しておけ」 と逃されるそうですが、それも信長暗殺の刺客だったから、という理由としたら、歴史の裏側という感じで面白いかな、と。間違っても、弥助は日本人に称えられていたとか、最強で伝説の侍だったとか、歴史改変・拡大解釈されるよりかは、良かったのではないでしょうか。

I am not sure how the game will turn out with Yasuke as the main character, but it would have been interesting to adopt the part that Yasuke came to Japan as a slave of Portuguese missionaries, but Nobunaga took a liking to him and kept him as a sword-bearer, and to make up a story in which he was actually an assassin trained to assassinate Nobunaga. It would have been interesting if the story had been that he was actually an assassin trained to assassinate Nobunaga.

Like Nakamura Chusui in "Hisshiki-Shokunin," he is treated as an ignorant fool who cannot even speak Japanese, and is sometimes treated as a rare spectator, but in the shadows, he is a dark figure in the Oda family and moves the times. At times, his true identity is revealed to the famous warlord, and he is either cooperated with or betrayed by him. A bond is also formed with Nobunaga, and whether or not he should be assassinated as per his mission? In the Honnoji Incident, a decision is made. In Yasuke's final moments, Akechi Mitsuhide is told to let him go, saying, "Yasuke is a foreigner who knows nothing and should be ignored," but if that is because he was an assassin for Nobunaga, I think it would be interesting to see the other side of history. It would have been better than if Yasuke had been praised by the Japanese, or was the strongest and legendary samurai, or if history was altered or expanded.


海外ではアサクリ新作を批判すると人種差別者と言われるそうです。ウィッチャーやサイバーパンク2077のCDPRの開発者が、「このゲームに日本人が怒る権利がある」 と発言したところ、炎上・謝罪に追い込まれたようです。正しいとされる意見を正しいとする一部の人間によって決定され、それ以外の意見は弾圧されてしまう。それのどこが中立なんでしょうか……。まるで中世の魔女裁判じゃないですか。


これ、日本人の僕には何が侮蔑なのか理解できません。だって、このジェスチャーって、「大きい目が良くて、細い目は醜い」 という西洋的な美醜感を前提にしていますよね。これが侮蔑として通用してやってくる人間は、自分が努力して獲得したわけでもない生来の外見的特徴を誇ることしかできない低俗で可哀想な人たちです。そのジェスチャーに対して差別だ、って怒ってる外野も、細い目をして醜い人に現実を突きつけるのは可哀想、って言ってるようなものじゃないですか。これは「私達の侍」発言と同じ無意識的差別ですよ。

Overseas, it seems that if you criticize the new Assassin's Creed game, you are called a racist. When a CDPR developer of The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 said "Japanese people have the right to be angry at this game," he was forced to flame and apologize. Opinions that are right are determined by a few who are right, and other opinions are suppressed. How is that neutral? ...... Isn't it just like a medieval witch trial?

There is a gesture that discriminates against Asians, which is to suppress the corners of the eyes and squint.

As a Japanese, I don't understand what is insulting about this. Because this gesture is based on the Western sense of beauty and ugliness that "big eyes are good and narrow eyes are ugly. People who accept this gesture as an insult are vulgar and poor people who can only be proud of their innate appearance, which they did not acquire through their own efforts. The outsider who is angry at the gesture, saying it is racist, is also like saying don't confront the thin eyed and ugly with reality. This is the same unconscious discrimination as the "our samurai" remark.


アジア人差別ジェスチャーと同じです。典型的な黒人のイメージキャラクターを描くとどうして差別になるの? 典型的な白人のイメージキャラクターは差別的としてどうして騒動にならないかを考えてみましょう。白人に比べて黒人が劣ってるという差別主義者の価値観に毒されていませんか?



The late Akira Toriyama's depiction of Mr. Popo is sometimes spearheaded as a discriminatory expression in the Political Correctness activist community, which I do not understand at all.

It is the same as a racist gesture against Asians. How can the portrayal of a typical black image character be racist? Consider how a typical white image character does not cause an uproar as racist. Have you been poisoned by racist values that blacks are inferior to whites?

The tragic thing is that some blacks are calling Mr. Popo racist. I for one think black people have very beautiful skin and I think thick lips are very sexy.

By the way, the image of a typical Japanese person is that of a corporate salaryman. I think that the national character that can laugh at such an image as a self-deprecating gag is something to be proud of.





It seems to me that the Western idea of polycorreation is not the idea of acknowledging past wrongs and changing them in the future, but the idea of pretending that past wrongs never happened.

Racism, sexism, environmental issues, religious issues, political issues......I guess I hit a sore spot.

I thought I would lose this case if I kept quiet about it, so I wrote down my thoughts. It is a sensitive issue and I may have written the wrong thing.

It's hard to live in a world that values diversity.Don't get cocky, mankind!

