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LEOそふび坊や / ブレンギグロメニアン・サーペント[クリアオレンジ]〈+Eng sub〉


Translation Services‐DeepL Translator





This is the first toy of the second year of Reiwa.

This is the Brengigro Menian Serpent by LEO Sobibiboya, which was sold by lottery in December. When it was announced, I interpreted it as a larva of an idol monster, so I thought it would be nice to have a plankton-like clear molding, and I was waiting for the right moment.

Approximately 15 cm in height, 4 parts configuration.

I'm glad it's affordable and easy to buy.


Before opening the package.



ヘンリー・ダーガー! この界隈で(どこのだよ)ダーガーを知らないなんてモグリですぜ、旦那!




Now, a search for Brengigro-Menian Serpent brings up Henry Darger.

Henry Darger! If you don't know a dagger in this neighborhood, you're a moron, sir!

Henry Darger was an American who was born on April 12, 1892 and died on April 13, 1973. He's such a comedian that he's hardly ever had any contact with people, that even his last name, Darger, doesn't really tell you how to read it. A lifelong loner, he made his living as a janitor, retreating into a single apartment and moving into a nursing home for the next three decades before writing a major work of 300 illustrations and more than 15,000 pages of text: "The Story of the Vivian Girls, in a land known as the Kingdom of the Unreal, the story of the storm of the Grand-Deco-Angelinarian War that resulted from the rebellion of child slaves.

Darger did not publish his work to the world, but created it only for himself, so when he left his apartment, he told his landlord that he would dispose of it and moved to a nursing home. 

Although Darger did not study art academically, today his works are worth more than 80 million yen, his solo exhibitions are a huge success, and he is known as one of the leading artists of outsider art.




参照‐ヘンリー・ダーガー - Wikipedia



  • 作者: 
  • 出版社/メーカー: 二見書房
  • 発売日: 2015/10/26
  • メディア: 単行本


In the Kingdom of the Unreal is also called the longest novel in the world, and it is said that no one has ever read it because of its preservation and other factors. It's probably not that interesting... it's just a poor amateur novel, or if you want to call it that nowadays, an "ugly" novel.

It's a long preamble, but the Brengigromenian Serpent is the main character, seven beautiful girls (with manners!) She is the mascot character of the Revolutionary Warrior Vivien Girls. The Brengigromenian Serpent is usually a girl with goat's horns, but when it comes to battle, she turns into a dragon. Well, the way nerds think is very similar.




ブレンギグロメニアン・サーペントの元の姿なのでしょうか? そうなると偶像怪獣って、もともと女の子なのでしょうか? だからアイドルモンスター?? 想像が膨らみますね。

Header picture.

There is a fairy☆ who can communicate with idol monsters, and another mysterious girl.

Could this be the original form of the Brengigromenian Serpent? If so, is the idol monster originally a girl? So you're an idol monster? I can't help but imagine.



Overall view.


The Brengigro-Menian Serpent looks a lot like an idol monster, but this design has an original story and I'm not familiar with it, but it seems to be the original poly toy that the company is now gone from. I'm sure if you search on Instagram, you'll find some hits, but I think it's an indie sofubi-like choice of motif. It's also nice that there's no name, so there's no way to look it up, which is enigmatic.




The shady atmosphere of the original is also brilliantly recreated. The balance of the head was slightly larger, which made it feel more catchy.

Personally, I felt a great atmosphere when I displayed it with a sober look.



I love the lightly blown silver spray.




The fang mask looks great too.

Compared to the idol monster, the shape of the figure is looser, but the paint job is better and the figure looks much tighter.



 It's interesting to see the difference in texture between the right hand and the left hand.



When you banzai, you can see that the right and left hands are not sculpted into asymmetry. A soft vinyl, this motif is unique in its looseness.



A tail with a coiled tail. You can see the legs that the idol monster didn't have.



Back.It looks like they're on a rock or something.


The bottom is engraved by Leo.



Alongside the idol monster.