
蒐集/レビュー/散財。アートトイ,ThreeA,ソフビ,民藝。ウルトラライトハイキング。Giant MR4r。Apple,Mac,iPhone。

D.B.T.H TOYS / 涅槃怪獣 ニルヴァ[ガンメタリック成形(未塗装)]〈+Eng sub〉

Translation Services‐DeepL Translator

今年6月に本格始動、10月にテスト販売された D.B.T.H TOYSさんの涅槃(ねはん)怪獣 ニルヴァです。超超超光栄なことに、テスト販売品を購入させていただける機会を頂きました。


 D.B.T.Hとは、"don't believe the hype."の略で、インチキを信じるなという意味のようです。hypeには、誇大宣伝やプロパガンダという意味もあるため、マーケティングや他人の批評なんかを頼りにはしない、作品そのもので勝負だ! というような熱いメッセージを感じます。"don't believe the hype."は、ヒップホップやスケーターシーンなどでは馴染み深い一節で、 D.B.T.H TOYSさんの世界観の一部、これから誕生していく作品を想像できる屋号となっています。


This is Nirva, the Nirvana monster by D.B.T.H TOYS, which was fully launched in June this year and test sold in October. We are very, very honored to have had the opportunity to purchase it.

We expect full-scale sales to follow in the near future, so be sure to check out their Instagram, @d.b.t.h_toys!

 D.B.T.H. stands for "don't believe the hype. We don't rely on marketing or other people's criticism. don't believe the hype." is a familiar phrase in the hip-hop and skater scene, and is part of D.B.T.H TOYS' worldview and a name that allows us to imagine the work that will be created in the future.

The figure stands approximately 27 cm tall, consists of 6 parts, and is molded in gun metallic (unpainted).



自分のは、どこかで見たことのあるレーベルのロゴ風デザインで、 D.B.T.H TOYS のスローガンである「SOFT VINYL PHILOSOPHY」が印字されているものです。フィロソフィーは哲学という意味です。

Since this was a test sale, it was a simple package without a header.

A badge was attached as an extra. There seem to be several kinds of badges.

Mine is a logo-like design of a label I have seen somewhere, with the slogan "SOFT VINYL PHILOSOPHY" of D.B.T.H TOYS printed on it.


まず最初に「コイツはやられたぜ!」 と感じたのは、涅槃怪獣 ニルヴァという怪獣の名前でした。まだ誰もその名前に手をつけていなかったのか! もし自分がオリジナル怪獣を出すなら、その名前を使わせて欲しかった! と羨むほどのかっこいいネーミングです。

The first thing I felt was, "This guy's got me!" was the name of the monster, Nirva, the Nirvana Monster. If I were to create my own original monster, I wanted to be able to use that name! It is such a cool name that I envy it.



ヒッピー文化のような旧来の価値観や性規範に対抗するカウンターカルチャー 、音楽シーンへも波及し、作品に深みを与えています。


Nirvana is the state of true peace of mind in which all human vexations have disappeared. It is the ideal state of enlightenment in Buddhism, and at the same time, it is a term that also expresses death.

Nirvana has also spilled over into the counterculture and music scene, countering old values and sexual norms, such as hippie culture, and adding depth to the work.

The Nirva is both a disaster monster and a messenger of the gods and Buddha.


勝手な想像ですが、原型着手まえのデザインの段階で、この名前に決まっていたんじゃないでしょうか。「涅槃怪獣 ニルヴァ」の名前が、原型製作時に顔に凶悪な笑みをうかばせ、胴体を太らせ、手足を強靭にし、生命を吹き込ませたのではないでしょうか……そうだったらいいのになァ……全然違ったらすみません(笑)。

It is my wild guess, but I think this name was decided at the stage of designing before the prototype was started. The name "Nirva, the Nirvana Monster" may have brought a vicious smile to the face, fattened the torso, strengthened the limbs, and breathed life into the prototype. ...... I wish that were the case.... ...sorry if I'm totally wrong (laughs).





The gun metallic molded body, which is sealed with ultra-fine metallic powder, is as massive and shiny as metal.

The parts are divided into six parts, a traditional division derived from the Marusan and Bulmaq monsters.

I imagined a cycle in which the history of soft vinyl monsters, which spans more than half a century, jumps out from Japan, travels around the world, and returns to Japan.




What I particularly like about the ruba is the mouth area.

There is a clear distinction in texture between the scales and the lips. The lips are cod lips and the fangs are rounded and thick. It is indescribably cute.



Both ends of his mouth are upturned, an expression of a true strong man's smile.



The three-dimensional modeling of the nose and cheek area (pleasant curves!) and wrinkles emphasize the impression of a smile. This is another point I like.


極めつけは、犬のような鼻! めちゃくちゃ萌ますわ~。



And to top it off, a nose like a dog's! It's so moe!

Is it cold like a dog when you touch it?

It is also seal-like.




The scales are so thickly sculpted. It must have been a painstaking process to create this area.

The contrast between the evenly spaced horns and the randomly placed scales is pleasing.


The belly is not smooth, but has a slightly rough texture. It is a feeling that makes you want to touch it.


その下の刻印は、Collectors Only  D.B.T.H TOYSとあります。

The number of this sale was written on the sole.

The engraving below it reads Collectors Only D.B.T.H TOYS.




Both legs are large to begin with, and the tails are installed in a plane for maximum stability.



The tail supports it on its surface, so it can be posed with one leg raised and stomped on. If you display it as it is, the kanchaku may develop strange habits, but it is a very progressive specification for temporary play and taking pictures.


以上、涅槃怪獣 ニルヴァの紹介でした。


This is my introduction to Nirva, the Nirvana Monster.

We are very grateful that we were able to enjoy the debut work of an artist whose future activities we are looking forward to seeing one step ahead of us.