
蒐集/レビュー/散財。アートトイ,ThreeA,ソフビ,民藝。ウルトラライトハイキング。Giant MR4r。Apple,Mac,iPhone。

稲坂浩臣造形工房-STUDIO24 / COMPLEX LAND:SHOCK-EYE(ヨアケマエブラックVer.)〈+Eng sub〉



Translation Services‐DeepL Translator




These are the loot of "Super Festival Osaka 5" held at My Dome Osaka on November 4th.

In addition to the event venue, there was also a WEB mail order.

Total height about 19 cm, total 11 parts, molded purple color.

COMPLEX LAND第一弾、アンド1のレビューはこちら。

Click here for a review of the first COMPLEX LAND, and 1.



The blog explains that the reason for AndOne's astounding 22-part configuration was to reduce the need for color masks.

The colored mask is a metal mold made to follow the unevenness of the figure's body, and by spraying paint on it, the holes in the mold are painted, while the metal-covered areas are not. The advantage of this product is that it can be applied more precisely than freehand spray or brush painting, and it is less time-consuming than masking tape. On the other hand, it is a special order product because it is a mold that is used for various figures. It has the disadvantage of being costly to make.


無事アンドワンの減価償却に成功した今回は、 さらなる挑戦として27枚もの彩色マスクを作成。


After successfully depreciating AndOne, we made 27 color masks as a further challenge.

It seems that the characters that were originally on display at the festival have been passed over.

今回はCOMPLEX LANDのヴィランである「RETTO(レットー)」……ではなくヒーロー側「コンプリートエックス」の「ショックアイ」が登場しました。


This time around, the villain of COMPLEX LAND, "RETTO"...or rather, "Shock Eye" from the hero side, "Complete X", appears.

His right eye is a burnt avalanche vision is lost, but through a special ability can see the invisible. However, they are armed with guns, as they are not capable of fighting. He seems to be a character who is the power behind the scenes, assisting and utilizing the strengths of his companions. In a sense, I would say he is the linchpin of the team.



A member of CompleteX has the ability to symbolize a missing part of his or her body. Letto is tormented by his complex (inferiority) and turns into a monster, while CompleteX accepts his handicap and makes the most of it. It's very messy.



Let's start with the overall view.



Hair standing back from the mask, prosthetic eyes (?) 3 head body type that is exquisitely deformed.


襟の部分に頭部が潜り込んでいるデザイン。 The design of the head is burrowed into the part of the collar.



The head is made up of three parts and is held in place by Kanchak rather than glued together.





I'm not an absolute Kanchaku fundamentalist, but I prefer Kanchaku to Sofubi if possible.

That's because when you use adhesives, anything goes without restriction. I think there is a Japanese ingenuity and trial-and-error in the use of fewer parts to achieve the maximum effect (like "less is more") rather than more parts. I think that's the beauty of Japanese soft vinyl, isn't it?

Also, I recently learned from Gargamel's blog that glue is something that degrades. The soft vinyl itself will last more than half a century if it is well preserved.






Handgun of the weapon.

The firing iron part is very similar to the design of Shock Eye's right eye.

Maybe it's the vision that links them.

Also, the position of the rotating mags is interesting. There is almost no barrel section. Since the length of the barrel is directly related to the accuracy of the hit, it looks like you are very confident in the accuracy of the hit.





The shape of the body is interesting.

My belly is protruding and my hips are plump.

You can feel the loveliness and cuteness of the soft vinyl.



However, adding a twist to the waist makes for a cool pose.





The interesting thing about soft vinyl is that it's not always possible to say that a "good prototype master" can make a good soft vinyl. I think that's the part that is referred to as "taste", but in my personal opinion, a good soft vinyl is "poorly photographed". Or, more accurately, "I feel better in the real thing than in the picture".

Sometimes when a "good prototype master" makes a soft vinyl, it's so picturesque that there's no surprise at all when you actually hold it in your hands.

STUDIO24 has been working on a lot of copyrighted figures, so it goes without saying that they are "super good prototype designers". The muscles and skeleton of a person are properly learned and then deformed. On top of that, what I liked about the shock eye this time around was that it was actually fun to hold it in your hands and move it around. I thought it was a very satisfying masterpiece.