
蒐集/レビュー/散財。アートトイ,ThreeA,ソフビ,民藝。ウルトラライトハイキング。Giant MR4r。Apple,Mac,iPhone。

TkoM (コムロタカヒロ) / ゲロリン[Vortex・OIL by 美術手帖限定]〈+Eng sub〉


Translation Services‐DeepL Translator

アクションフィギュアやソフビに影響を受けた彫刻家コムロタカヒロ(tkom)さんの個展「Vortex」を記念して、現代アート作品を取り扱うOIL by 美術手帖にて抽選販売された限定ガチャサイズのソフビ「Gerorin」です。100個限定(うちOIL by 美術手帖で30個が抽選販売されました)、全高約6.5センチ、2パーツ構成。8月末に抽選、発送はちょっと遅れて11月頭でした。

This is a limited gacha size sofubi "Gerorin" which was sold by lottery at OIL by Bijutsu Techo, which deals in contemporary artworks, to commemorate the solo exhibition "Vortex" by Takahiro Komuro (tkom) who is influenced by action figures and sofubi. limited to 100 pieces (of which 30 pieces were sold by lottery at OIL by Bijutsu Techo), about 6.5cm in height, 2 parts, lottery was held at the end of August and the shipment was delayed a little in early November.

Vortex展はすでに終了しています。2メートル超えのマジックドラゴン見たかったです。700万円でしたっけ? 余裕で買えたけど、我慢しました(大嘘)。

The Vortex exhibition has already closed, I would have liked to see the magic dragon over 2 meters, was it 7 million yen? I could have afforded it, but I held out (big lie).




It's the size of a gacha, but it also comes with a solid header.



It's a miniature soft toy size. Pocket the sculptor's work thanks to the durability of the soft vinyl.



This is the only one I have on hand, with a double sync of Comro's work. Another newly built double sink was also on sale by lottery.



From the name Gerorin, it looks like a frog creature.



The neck is divided into two parts, but it's interesting that the arms and legs are shaped like dividing lines.




You can tell from this detail that Mr. Komuro is not sculpting a tokusatsu monster, but rather a soft vinyl product that he had in mind.

The world of his work is a toy box, and there seems to be a creation myth that he describes in his thoughts.



Its large head and eerily warty-covered skin are frightening, but its cramped physique and thick, short limbs are humorous.



Each one of the fangs is painstakingly painted with a brush.



The paint on the nails is also fine.



The expression of the skin is wonderful. The contrast between warts that look shiny and pulpy, and areas of skin that look thick and clumpy.



参照‐意識はかたちになると信じてきた。彫刻家・コムロタカヒロ インタビュー|美術手帖



CGを使うと、手仕事ならではの曖昧なニュアンス……いわゆる「味」が失われるのではないか? という懸念もありますが、出力物をなめらかにすることや、最後の仕上げの部分は徹底的な手仕事らしいです。ゲロリンの皮膚の質感もそうやって仕上げられたのだと思います。仮に大きいサイズのゲロリンが制作されたとしても、ガチャサイズのゲロリンをそのまま大きくしたのではなく、大きいサイズ用の仕上げが施されるのだと思います。

Surprisingly, I learned in the interview that he uses CG in the production process of his works.

Reference - I've always believed that consciousness takes shape. Interview with Sculptor Takahiro Komuro|Art Notebook

As an advantage, I'm referring to the fact that it is not constrained by materials, physical limitations, etc., and can be simulated over time.

Simulating over time means that in the CG world, you can copy and paste and undo. This is difficult to do in actual carving. It's not like Michelangelo said, "I'm just getting rid of what's lying in the stone," but you can't start over when you've been inspired in the middle of a piece and you've moved on, and then you get another inspiration, and you can't compare the two. It is difficult to change the sizing, especially afterwards, but with CG, it is possible to make it any size. The Magic Dragon can also be made into a soft vinyl size.

Wouldn't the vague nuances of handcrafted work - the so-called "taste" - be lost if CG was used? There are some concerns about the smoothing out of the output and the final touches, but it seems to be a thorough handiwork. I think that's how Gerolyn's skin texture was finished too. Even if a larger size gerolins were produced, I think they would still be finished for the larger size, rather than just making the gacha-sized gerolins larger.



This time, the body was luminescent. It shines well.