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ミロクトイ / 仏像戦隊サレンダース5:4号 イレブンフェイス[古深抹茶深色]〈+Eng sub〉


Translation Services‐DeepL Translator



サレンダーズ5においては、その11面の顔を活かした変装の達人? 11の人格を持っていて、脳内会議で妙策を見出す参謀的な役割でしょうか?


This is the fourth Eleven Face from the Buddha Statue Sentai Surrenders 5 series, which was sold by lottery in December (shipping in January) from Mirokui. It's been a while since Aslan, so I was a little worried that there would be a continuation, but I'm glad it's out! 

The motif of this time's character is the 11-faced Kannon, as you can guess from the name. The origin of the Buddha is not clear, but it is believed that it was originally established under the influence of Hinduism around the 7th century. I promise 10 benefits in this life and 4 fruitful rewards in the next.

In Surrender's 5, a master of disguise that takes advantage of its 11 faces? Is it a conspiratorial role where you have 11 personalities and figure out clever ideas in brain meetings?

The largest figure in the series, approximately 32 centimeters in height. 6 parts.






It is the beauty of modeling to the extent that I fall in love with it every time.

Precise face modeling. She has graceful proportions. The beautiful twists and turns of layers of clothing.....

I sigh.

A marriage between the serenity of a Buddha statue and the softness of a softie. Hmmm, I don't even know what I'm talking about. Give me the vocabulary to describe exactly how awesome this is.





The best thing to see is the 11 faces that give it its name.

Unusual density.

And you'll see!



I believe that each face of the 11-faced Guanyin has a meaning, but each face is different. What's amazing is that it's solidly shaped to an area the size of a fingernail.





I'm a little chubby, but people of this era thought that it was more beautiful to be plump like this, right? Being able to be fattened meant that they had a firm reserve of power, economic power and virtue. The ancient goddesses of the earth are all fat. Good nutrition also meant that they could produce strong children. It may be a preference rooted in instinct that men in the world actually like chubby men more than women think.




The lower half of the garment is layered in layers, forming an intricate pattern. Mr. Mirokui's excellent modeling power has been demonstrated here as well without regret.

The expression of the plumage hanging from both arms is just like a wood carved Buddha statue.
















There's a tool on my wrist that looks like something I've seen before... is that a spider thread device?

A heroic element secretly hidden in the Buddha Statue Sentai Surrenders 5, which is basically a Buddha statue.

I didn't realize it until I had it in my hands.

When it comes to the spider's thread to the Buddha, it reminds me of that story.

〜Delusional from here...

The 11th episode of the TV series "Spider Thread" of Buddha Statue Sentai Surrenders 5

Eleven Face thought he could still save his enemy, Kandauta, who had just fallen into the path of the hungry.

He fires a spider thread at "Kandata" who is falling into hell.

Kandata" holds the thread and pulls it together.

However, the combatants swarmed to his feet.

Kandata thought that the thread would be broken if he didn't go on like this, so he kicked off the crowded fighters.

The strength of the thread is weakened by the value of the karma.

Kandata's karma value rises, the thread breaks, and she goes to hell with the combatants.....

〜End of delusion.





I'm ruthless...what do you mean?

These arms are in good shape.........

This part of the work alone is admirable.



The soles of the feet, even if they are flat, are not a problem, but although they are flat, they are solidly shaped. I wonder if this is also derived from a Buddha statue. I feel the attention to detail.




個人的に、この大きさはリーダーのシャカッチを先頭にして、戦隊フォーメーションを組んだ時に(ロマサガ2の陣形でいうと、アマゾンストライク、ムー・フェンス)に丁度良いんじゃないかな? って思うんです。5体目も大きいと良いなー。

次はどんなキャラが来るんでしょうか? やはり屋号からとってミロクでしょうか? それとも紅一点? カルガルーに続いて動物キャラ? そもそも5体目で完結でしょうか。司令的なキャラやマスコットキャラが居てもいいし、戦隊モノといえば合体ロボットです。どんな展開になるか、今後も楽しみです。

Here's a shot of the four pieces in the series.

As you can see, it's much bigger than the other three bodies.

Personally, I think this size is just right for a Sentai formation with the leader, Shakatch, at the head (in Roman Saga 2's formation, Amazon Strike, Mu Fence). I hope the 5th body is big too.

What characters will be coming next? Is it Miroku, after all, from the name of the shop? Or is it a red dot? A kargaroo followed by an animal character? Is the fifth body the best way to complete the game? You can have a commanding character or a mascot character, and speaking of Sentai Mono, it's a combined robot. I can't wait to see how it all plays out.

